To Celebrate my re-enter into Corporate life, I added a link category called "Corporate Fun". This is my request, comment to this posting with all your favorite Corp links, jokes, or what have you.
Undocumented Django Wiki
On Monday night before I left for Naples, I installed a Media Wiki for Django. You can find it located here. Feel free to contribute if you have something cool to show everyone.
First Day at Naples Daily News
I had to return to Naples Daily News for a meeting with the Corporate folks. I woke up in the morning to find that my wife didn't pack my Khakis. So I was a little annoyed because I would be under dressed. My wife drove me to the NDN ...
Left Handers day
I'm moving on Aug 13th which is International Left Hander's day. Being that I'm left handed, that must make it an auspicious day to move. So lefties, celebrate International Left Hander's day by lending a hand and helping me move :)
The Django Virus
Well it looks like Django is going to be running in some high profile places. With Adrian's announcement that he's going to be working for the Washington Post soon and of course my announcement of me moving to Naples to work for Naples Daily News and therefore Naples ...
I'm moving to Naples, Fl...
I am sooo moving to Naples, it's so beautiful there. No really, I'm moving to Naples August 13th.
I was in Naples this weekend interviewing for Naples Daily News. For anyone that knows the history of Django, the code was developed at World Online. The man that was ...
Greetings from Naples,Fl
My wife and I are now in Naples, Fl. We are staying in a very nice hotel. It's a Comfort Inn, but like everything I've seen of Naples, it's very beautiful. It's the nicest Comfort Inn I've ever stayed in. I took a few photos ...
Django Ajax and Dojo?
The other day in the #django channel I was msg'd by Alex, a developer for the Dojo Javascript toolkit. (Have anyone noticed that javascript toolkits are popping up like crazy?). Well, Alex asked my, "Why are you using prototype.js for Django Ajax". I told him that I used ...
For the Gamer Dorks out there...
Django, Dreamhost and FCGI
There have been quite a few people in #django trying to get Django to work with Dreamhost. Thanks to the work that Hugo has done and the folks in the channel hacking away at the problem, the work has been posted on the Dreamhost wiki. Maybe now I can get ...
Stupid Windows Keymap
I've been using the standard windows keyboard layout switcher to remap my keyboard to dvorak. Unfortunately when I log into a machine through remote desktop, the keymap of the machine is used and not my local keymap settings. This is really dumb because I annoy all my non-djorak coworkers ...
Django, lighttpd and FCGI, take two
In case no one reads comments on my site, Hugo posted a comment about his second way of getting Django to work with lighttpd and fcgi (you mean people actually read my blog?) You can find that article here.
Example Django Ajax app
I created an example django ajax application in the svn repos. If anyone is interested, the README.html should help you get that up and running.
Still on the agenda is template tags to ease the use of django ajax for those Javascript impaired
Running Django with FCGI and lighttpd
Hugo's house of weblog horror has an article on how to get Django running with fcgi and lighttp. There are many in the #django IRC that are waiting for someone to do this so I'm linking him in case they missed his article.
Django RSS
From what I can tell, turning on RSS is very easy. Basically you setup a urlpattern like in and then make a module that is the same name as your settings module that ends in _rss, like so ...
django_ajax update
From the reaction of the folks in the django irc channel, it seems that my Django_Ajax library is a little advanced, everyone wants the power of Ajax without having to write Javascript. I made the false assumption that anyone messing with Ajax would know Javascript.
After taking a look at ...
Javascript Name Clobbering
I was working with two different javascript libraries today and ran into the issue that brought about namespaces in other languages.
Jsval has a class called Field. I wanted to use prototype.js and openrico so... guess what, prototype.js, has the class Field also... So, they stepped on each ...
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..
If anyone saw the django_ajax article that I accidentally posted to my blog. Pay no attention to it. It does not exist (cue Jedi Mind Trick)
This is exactly what a blog should not be used for...
Ack,... I ran out of sugar at work today. It's black coffee for me this morning.
Django, Django, Django...
This framework is so freakin' awesome.... They just enough documentation on the site that you can actually get things running without much effort.. I have to say, this is the coolest thing to come out in a long time. You have a object-relational mapping system, obsessive SEO support, a templating ...