Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) uses Wordpress for his blog, My Boring Ass Life, tre bone! Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) uzas "Wordpress"-on por lia blogo, My Boring Ass Life, tre bone!
<lang_en>Windows is easier than linux?</lang_en><lang_eo>Vindozo estas pli facila pli Linukso?</lang
Who said that Windows is easier than Linux? Today I tried to plug in my SD Card reader into my work computer. At first it didn't show up. I had to remove my network drive mappings in order for them to show up. How stupid.
When I plug in ...
<lang_en>Happy Birthday to me</lang_en><lang_eo>Felicxan Naskigxtagon por min</lang_eo>
Happy Birthday to me. Happy Unbirthday to all of you (except Jordon, Felicxan NaskiÄ?tagon por lin). Felicxan Naskigxtagon por min. Felicxan MalNaskigxtagon por vi.
GPG Public Key
A added my GPG Public Key to the bottom of this page if anyone wants to send encrypted/signed messages to me.
The Uncyclopedia
Fans of Wikipedia will love this site, Uncyclopedia. It is like a bizzaro-pedia, where everything on the wiki is wrong. It's a delightful waste of time.
Finally a decent Nintendo DS game
Well I traded in Batman Begins because I beat it and there wasn't much more to do with it. I looked around the Gamestop and I didn't really see any XBox games that really interested me. I want to tryout Paper Mario for the Gamecube but it was ...
Some Buddhist Links
I was writing a friend of mine about some good Buddhist links and I thought I might share them with whoever is reading this Blog. This is the website of the Buddhist Center that I goto. This is the website of a ...
Batman Begins The Video Game
We saw Batman Begins in the theaters the day it came out and we both thought it was the best batman movie ever. I don't know if my wife thinks the movie was good because of the quality of the fact that her boyfriend Christian Bale was batman. My ...
I have bronchitis
Last night the wife and I had to go to the hospital because we both got sick. We went to Memorial Pembroke(don't go there) and sat for four hours. We ended up leaving and going to Memorial West(go there). We were admitted immediatly.
At about 6am the ...
One reason I love Dvorak
One reason why I love the Dvorak keyboard is that I can be sick as a dog, sit in my chair like Steven Hawkings and still be able to type without much effort.
Kids... Don't try this at home...
Well, the 4th of July for us was eventful. We went to a bbq at a friends house in the afternoon. We swam, got crispy in the sun. It was fun.
Our Arsenal
After the bbq, we went to my wife's parents house to light off fireworks. We had ...
"Oh Crap, my steering wheel fell off"
While I was in the middle of typing my previous post I heard a knock on my door. When I answered the door, my friend Chris who lives across the street from me asked, "Do you have a tap and die set?" For those that don't know, A ...
Deep Impact
This is amazing, Nasa is smashing one of their space craft into the comet Tempel 1 in hopes to see what is inside it.
I heard this on NPR this afternoon. They were interviewing a reporter from Sky and Telescope. Apparently if you live west of the Mississippi River you ...
My Host
In my previous post, I told you about my family's website. I forgot to mention the hosting company that I'm using. The hosting company is Site 5.
A coworker of mine told me about them, I've used them for a couple days now and I am very ...
Just another blog
Just another blog, nothing to see here...
Ok, well this is my adventure into the blogosphere. I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog, but after creating my new family's website I was given unlimited subdomains and the ability to use Fantastico so I had just ...
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