Learning Python Logging

The Python logging module is often a source of confusion with developers. Often, logging is the final thought in a project. When we are finishing up a project, the last thing we want to do is sift through the logging documentation to figure logging out. It is a perpetual cycle that results in some very bad code.

I am going to assume that you have some familiarity with the Python logging module and the concept of logging levels, so I will only address concepts with the logging module that has been a source of confusion in colleagues.

How Python logging should be used in modules

The first source of confusion with the Python logging module is the question of how to create a logger. This is probably the easiest part of Python logging. Here's how you do it:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

That is basically it. That code will create a logger based on the module's fully qualified name. So if we have a module called mypackage.module1.module2, that will be the logger's name.

Keep in mind that __name__ is the string "__main__" if your Python file is run as a script. Other than that, this is all you need to do.

You do not have to worry about logging levels, handlers, or anything else in your modules. How your loggers are configured is an application level setting. Your modules have no reason to worry about how to configure loggers.

Logger names

An often overlooked fact about loggers is that logger names are hierarchical. That is why I choose to use the module name as the logger name. The hierarchy starts with the root logger and descends from there.

The root logger can be accessed by calling:

  rootLogger = logging.getLogger()

Configuring the root logger will cascade down to the other loggers:


The same is true if you access a parent of any other logger:

  appLogger = logging.getLogger("myapp")

All myapp.* loggers will have the level INFO as their default.

Let us say that there are the following loggers used in our application:

  • redis.connection
  • mysql.connection
  • mysql.query
  • myapp.models.polls
  • myapp.models.questions
  • myapp.models.articles

If we only wanted connection errors from our databases, query debug information from MySQL, and warnings from myapp's models; we could configure it as so:


That is it. This accomplishes what I described. We set the default level to ERROR which causes redis.connection and mysql.connection to only emit ERROR and EXCEPTION level messages. We set the mysql.query logger to DEBUG to emit query debug messages. Finally, we set the myapp.models logger to WARNING.

Configuring Python loggers

I just showed you how to configure the level of a logger pragmatically. Where should that code exist?

If you answered, "In the module," I want you to get up, find the nearest blunt object, and hit yourself with it. Do you not remember me saying that logging configuration is an application level configuration?

Here is a hypothetical script that uses a Redis connection.


import csv
from redis import StrictRedis

reader = csv.reader(open("./presidents.csv"))
header = reader.next()

client = StrictRedis()

for row in reader:
    key = "president:%s" % (row[0], )
    doc = dict(zip(header, row))

    client.set(key, doc)

Now, let us assume that the redis module used a redis.connection logger that logs a DEBUG level message whenever the redis client needs to reconnect to the server. Here is a mock Redis client for this example.

When we run the code as it is, no connection messages will be printed.

Now, let us say our connection is flaky and we have to reconnect to Redis often:


import csv
from redis import StrictRedis

reader = csv.reader(open("./presidents.csv"))
header = reader.next()

client = StrictRedis()

for i, row in enumerate(reader):
    key = "president:%s" % (row[0], )
    doc = dict(zip(header, row))

    # simulate a disconnect every 3 operations
    if i % 3 == 0:

    client.set(key, doc)

We can configure the redis.connection logger to output the connection messages by configuring our script like so:


import logging
import csv
from redis import StrictRedis


reader = csv.reader(open("./presidents.csv"))
header = reader.next()

client = StrictRedis()

for i, row in enumerate(reader):
    key = "president:%s" % (row[0], )
    doc = dict(zip(header, row))

    # simulate a disconnect every 3 operations
    if i % 3 == 0:

    client.set(key, doc)

For simplicity, we could have replaced:




logging.basicConfig() is a really handy function. I find myself using basicConfig() often because most of the time I simply want to output to stderr or to a single file rather than wanting complex routing using Handlers.

What are Handlers and Formatters?

Apart from Loggers, there are three classes that are used to configure an application's loggers: logging.Handler, logging.Formatter, and logging.Filter.

A Handler defines how a message is handled. For instance, there is a StreamHandler that logs messages to stderr.

There are 13 standard Handlers defined in the logging.handlers module that will send messages to files, syslog, HTTP servers, sockets, and what have you.

A Formatter is exactly what it sounds like. It formats a LogRecord. That's pretty much it.

A Filter filters a LogRecord. I have never needed one, so I will let you define your own use case for Filters.

Let us change our presidential import script to log any exceptions that occur when importing:


import config
import logging
import csv
from redis import StrictRedis

# We do not want to use __name__ here because __name__ is "__main__"
log = logging.getLogger("presidents.importer")

    reader = csv.reader(open("./presidents.csv"))
    header = reader.next()

    client = StrictRedis()

    for i, row in enumerate(reader):
        key = "president:%s" % (row[0], )
        doc = dict(zip(header, row))

        # simulate a disconnect every 3 operations
        if i % 3 == 0:

        # simulate a failure
        if row[0] == "37":
            raise exception("crook.")

        client.set(key, doc)
    log.exception("dang it.")

Notice that we added import config. This will let us separate configuration from implementation. (For our little one-off script, having a config.py module is overkill; it exists here to prove a point.)

Here's the contents of config.py:

import logging
from logging import FileHandler, StreamHandler

default_formatter = logging.Formatter(\

console_handler = StreamHandler()

error_handler = FileHandler("error.log", "a")

root = logging.getLogger()

An alternative way to configure your application's logger is to use the logging.config.fileConfig to configure the loggers using an INI file.

Here is the equivalent INI file for the configuration we previously described using Python code:




keys=console, error_file


args=("error.log", "w")



To use this file, let us modify our config.py.


import logging.config
import os.path


Finally, here's the updated import script:


import config_ini
import logging
import csv
from redis import StrictRedis

# We do not want to use __name__ here because __name__ is "__main__"
log = logging.getLogger("presidents.importer")

    reader = csv.reader(open("./presidents.csv"))
    header = reader.next()

    client = StrictRedis()

    for i, row in enumerate(reader):
        key = "president:%s" % (row[0], )
        doc = dict(zip(header, row))

        # simulate a disconnect every 3 operations
        if i % 3 == 0:

        # simulate a failure
        if row[0] == "37":
            raise Exception("Crook.")

        client.set(key, doc)
    log.exception("Dang it.")

For some people INI files leave a bad taste is the mouth. If you do not like the taste of INI files, you can also configure the loggers using a dictionary or with Python code. It's up to you.

There we have it. Python 2's built-in logging module is one of those warts of the standard library that goes against the "Zen of Python"; but once you learn the non-obvious way the designers intended to be used, it becomes simple.

I hope this helps clear up Python's logging module for you.


Eric Moritz
: python / logging

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