Fun with APIs

So, you're looking for a job you say... Need to brush up on your knowledge set... I've got the tool for you!

import urllib
import re
import sys
import cgi

def get_result(query):
    url = "\"%s\"&l=&start=0&limit=1&sort=&filter=on&latlong=off&key=%s&format=xml" % (query, API_KEY)
    result_count_re = re.compile(r"<totalresults>(\d+)</totalresults>")
    content = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

    match =
    if match:
        return int(match.groups()[0])

def display(label, count):
    count_str = "%10d" % (count)
    spaces = 78 - (len(label) + len(count_str))
    return "%s:%s%s" % (label, " " * spaces, count_str)

result_list = []
assert len(sys.argv) > 1, "Usage %s [Query] [Query] ..." % (sys.argv[0],)
for query in sys.argv[1:]:
    result_list.append((query, get_result(query)))

result_list.sort(lambda x,y: x[1] - y[1], reverse=True)
print "\n".join(map(lambda x: display(*x),result_list))

Try it out

C:                                                                       136105
Java:                                                                     89132
HTML:                                                                     87963
Assembly:                                                                 63423
XML:                                                                      62938
C%2B%2B:                                                                  60774
Javascript:                                                               42368
ASP:                                                                      42067
Perl:                                                                     35742
J2EE:                                                                     31609
Visual+Basic:                                                             28924
PHP:                                                                      17972
ADA:                                                                      11821
Struts:                                                                   11425
Python:                                                                   10416
COBOL:                                                                     6964
Ruby:                                                                      5439
Ruby+on+Rails:                                                             2515
FORTRAN:                                                                   2008
Zend:                                                                       270
Django:                                                                     228
CakePHP:                                                                    109
CodeIgniter:                                                                 31
JRuby:                                                                       30
Eric Moritz
: fun / python

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