Template Tag Caveat

In the Django template system. There is a small caveat that you need to recognize when developing your own template tags.

When Django parses the Node tree it creates a template.Node instance for each template tag in the template. The node tree is just like our beloved HTML DOM.

So for instance take the following


That turns into something like this


The indention shows that the li's are child nodes of the ul tag. Each li in a different instance of an HTMLElement, each with their own state.

So for a Django Template take the following

 {% block content %}
   {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
   {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
   {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
   {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
 {% endblock %}

The node tree would look like this


So we have a block node with four FirstOfNode instances

In python this would translate roughly to

 f1 = FirstOfNode(...)
 f2 = FirstOfNode(...)
 f3 = FirstOfNode(...)
 f4 = FirstOfNode(...)


Everything looks fine here. Render is called once per node instance.

Now, check this out

 {% block content %}
   {% for i in value_list %}
     {% repr obj %}
   {% endfor %}
 {% endblock %}

The node tree that django builds would look something like this


Now each node in that tree is it's own object instance with it's own state. This can be an issue if you don't realize one thing, each node is persistent while the template is rendering.

Let me write out how the template rendering of the a loop would look in python with the ReprNode

 repr_node = ReprNode("obj")

 for i in range(10):

Can you tell what the problem? We're calling the render method on the same instance of the Node.

Let's peek under the covers and look at ReprNode's definition

 class ReprNode(template.Node):
     def __init__(self, obj)
         self.obj = obj

     def render(self, context):
         self.obj = template.resolve_variable(self.obj, context)
         return str(self.obj)

     def do_repr(parser, token):
         tag_name, obj = token.split_contents()
         return ReprNode(obj)

Now look at what's going on. self.obj is assumed to be the name of the variable in the context. That's fine when render is called once. When render called a second time, self.obj is now the actual value of obj from the context. What happens when you try to resolve that? You get a VariableDoesNotExist error, uh oh!

I made the assumption that render() is only called once. You don't realize that inside a for tag, the render method is called repeatedly. This can cause tons of issues. If it wasn't a huge design change, Template Nodes should probably be Static classes.

I don't know if this is technically a bug in the Django templating system, bad design, bad documentation, or just simply poor assumptions on my part, but I came across this issue today and it took stepping through PDB to find the problem with my custom template tag (the ReprNode was completely made up for the example)

Example code <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/811/>

Eric Moritz
: django

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